12 Dec 2010

Pre-master for Media in University of Leicester

Pre-Masters in Communications, Media & English as a Foreign Language is a special course in University of Leicester.  

If you come from countries where English is not the first language or without the academic qualifications, the pre-master course is your best choice. 

This course is provided by the Department of Media and Communication (DMC) with the English Language Teaching Unit (ELTU). It is a full-time, one year, campus-based programme, which starts from October and runs to June.
The general aim of the programme is to allow you access onto the master’s programmes of this university.

The specific aims are:

    * English language development: to ensure that each student achieves reading, writing, listening and speaking skills corresponding to at least IELTS 6.5 overall (or equivalent alternative test result);

    * Academic qualification: successful completion of this course will bring students to the academic level necessary for Master’s degree study;

    * Study and communication skills: this course will ensure that each candidate’s abilities are equivalent to those expected of a holder of a good UK first degre.

The cost of the pre-master course for media students almos £7590 in 2010.

The English Language Teaching Unit (ELTU) offers the English Language and Study Skills courses to pre-master students of the University of Leicester for 1 year. The courses includ listening, reading, speaking, writting, grammar and vocabulary, which will improve your English Language quickly. At the same time, ELTU teachers will give the media background and information to media pre-master students. 

Pre-Masters in Communications, Media & English as a Foreign Language course website: http://www.le.ac.uk/mc/teach/pg/GradDip.html

ELTU website: http://www2.le.ac.uk/offices/eltu 

University website: http://www2.le.ac.uk/ 

The Department of Media and Communication website: http://www.le.ac.uk/mc/

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